Friday, November 13, 2015

RE: Toes on the Nose, Eye on the Prize: Daylight Saving Time; Is It Really Saving Anything?

According to my fellow Colleagues blog, Toes on the Nose, Eye on the Prize, they write that Daylight Savings time isn't really saving anybody anything, for it's only still around for the ever important economy. As someone who doesn't really pay attention to it due to modern phones automatically adapting to time changes, this article got me thinking, and I realized that I experience a harder time sleeping during this time of the year, so I absolutely agree with their view. Thankfully due to electricity, and our accessibility to light, we shouldn't put our bodies through unhealthy and unnecessary changes.
In their post, they write that other states, Arizona and Hawaii, have already abolished Daylight Savings Time, so why haven't we? I understand that it's hard to change something that has been apart of society for decades of years, but we, the United States citizens and Government, need to adapt to the times. Arizona and Hawaii have already realized and come to terms with this unneeded change due to modern advancements, and it's time everyone follows. In the post it states, "Farmers have always been staunch opponents of the daylight saving time and oddly they are the group of people that most believe we adopted the DST for." This is an interesting point because I could understand if the modern day farmers of the 21st century have adapted to this change, for it would be hard going backwards, but they haven't. In fact, they oppose it, and these farmers are growing and producing our food. In my opinion, I think we should do anything that would make these people's lives easier. Especially a mundane time change that many people don't even pay attention to nor do they know the reason for it.
All in all, I agree with my colleagues points and opinions. Daylight Savings Time is just another pre-historic custom that American's haven't tossed out yet. I'm sure that life will go one just as it has for centuries if we don't get that extra hour of sleep. 

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