Monday, November 30, 2015

Leave Planned Parenthood Alone

    Planned Parenthood has always been a rival to Conservatives. This is because Planned Parenthood offers Abortion procedures, and to Conservatives, that is simply an abomination and unacceptable. Although, one wonders whether Conservatives know that Planned Parenthood is a health care provider that offers much more, for they offer birth control, Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) help and knowledge on the various diseases, knowledge on a variety of women's health issues (Cervical Cancer, Menstruation, etc), and much more. Why would a group of people, especially women who belong to this group, want to bring down an organization that cares for the welfare of women? I hope this doesn't happen, for I believe Planned Parenthood is working to help women. 
    Planned Parenthood has faced being shut down and defunded by Conservatives within the last couple of months, for they want to shut down PP and invest in other women's clinics that don't perform abortions. I thought this fight was finished after Roe vs. Wade. The country and it's people have already spoken on the abortion issue, for we voted that women have the right to get rid of an unwanted pregnancy. Also, this organization has done such a great service to women and girls in  need. For goodness sake, they offer knowledge on abstinence. They aren't a clinic purely to get rid of unwanted pregnancies, they are a clinic that firstly helps women to know how to prevent them. Nonetheless, the law is set, and it states that abortions are legal. That should be enough for the conservatives to know that they do not have the right to defund/shutdown an organization purely because it performs legal procedures that help women. 
    All in all, I believe in Planned Parenthood, and it's practices that support women's health and right's. This shouldn't still be a debatable issue, for it was settled decades ago. A women's body is her own, and PP has supported this stance. Planned Parenthood has been following the law, so why don't the Conservatives? To all of the Conservatives, if you want to come after an organization, find a legitimate and illegal issue tied to said corporation. Stop being children and going after health care provider that performs procedures that don't "sit right" with you. Exactly.


  1. Once again, Abigail's thoughts have resonated with some of mine that I'd had all week about Planned Parenthood. In this article, she makes a strong, concise argument as to why our fretting over Planned Parenthood is a waste of time and a laughably bad thing to get worked up over. I agree with her to the fullest extent, and all of the points she brought up are great food for thought.

    The fact that we as a nation are still trying to "debate" something that has already been settled years ago is a fantastic example of entitlement among people who don't get what they want. It's also an example of willful ignorance, since PP's sole purpose isn't to serve as an abortion clinic. It's no secret that the organization provides vital health care services for women and multitudes of other preventative and educational services; the people who are against the prosperity of the clinic are simply choosing to brush off that fact so they can continue whining about something that probably doesn't have any affect on them or their lives.

    With each passing day, I feel more and more strongly that the government is really trying to eradicate anything that holds even the possibility of a shred of well-being for its citizens. What's worse is that I truly have no idea what they think they'll be accomplishing if they take away a service that provides responsible and safe care for all patients. People will resort to illegal and unsafe methods of attaining care, and then what? Will they try to prevent black market and back alley procedures by passing an act or law? This mess could be solved in a much simpler way: don't take away or mess with organizations that are here to help.

    I saw a headline on the Internet today (Dec. 4th) that read that Planned Parenthood has officially been cut off from federal funding, and although I didn't look into the full article, I hope that that isn't true. Knowing the media today and how they skew things, it could have been a click bait headline. In the event that it is true, I believe that the government is completely wasting their energy focusing on this organization and it leaves me worried that this is the type of thing the government is choosing to spend its time on. This whole ordeal is a telling sign of what will be to come if the White House goes back into the hands of conservatives and I'm not looking forward to having to deal with this country taking yet another step backwards in equality/critical thinking.

  2. Great points !
