Friday, October 2, 2015

Giving Justice to the Just

According to a CNN article written by Cory Booker, which portrays the idea that if a person has lived out their prison sentence, they should be given a fair opportunity when looking for a job post prison life, "Cory Booker: How to give former inmates a second chance, " Booker believes that it would be in the United States best interest to give people with criminal records fair job opportunities. 

Booker is an African American United States Senator (2013-present) and was Mayor of Newark, NJ (2006-2013). He's directing this article towards corporations and companies of the United States because they are the ones that aren't hiring people with criminal records. I agree with Booker and his points. In the article he references a study that was conducted by the University of Wisconsin which states, "17% of whites with a criminal record were given a call back, only 5% of African Americans were given that same opportunity to continue in the interview process." It's not fair that these men and women who have lawfully paid for their crimes continually be punished for past wrongs; therefore, it’s equally, if not more so, unfair that African American men and women are more severely discriminated against. These men and woman are sent to prison in order to pay for their crimes and learn from their mistakes, so if they do that, why are we still treating them as if they just committed said crime? Booker also references that recidivism, a criminal relapsing into criminal behavior, is a direct effect of people with criminal records being denied jobs; therefore, it’s a cause and effect situation which can get better with a little compassion and understanding.

Booker concludes with stating that many businesses around the nation have started hiring people with criminal backgrounds. A group of Senators and Representatives have proposed the “Fair Chance Act” which proposes the idea that a business won’t be able to see a person’s criminal history until after they have gone through the beginning hiring stages. This helps said person to start with a clean slate and have a chance to present themselves without being defined by their past. I completely support this Act and Booker’s stance on Inmates having a second chance at life. These people don’t become less qualified or less intelligent when in prison, so why are they treated as damaged goods? If this Act is passed, recidivism rates would cut dramatically; therefore, prisons wouldn’t be overflowing with inmates which would cut down on tax support to prisons. This would also invoke a sense of hope for people with criminal backgrounds, for they would know that the American Justice System is rooting for them. The benefits of this are overwhelming and would help this country immensely. The justice system needs to do exactly what it is meant to do, give justice to the just.

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