Friday, September 18, 2015

Donald Trump anti-Muslim?

According to CNN's article, "Trump doesn't challenge anti-Muslim questioner at event," Donald Trump is still skeptical about Obama's religious background. In 2011, Trump questioned Obama's citizenship until Obama publicly released a copy of his birth certificate, but even then, there were still skeptics and are to this day. More recently, in Rochester, New Hampshire, a man made a rather racist comment to Donald Trump about Muslims. The man stated, " We have a problem in this country. It's called Muslims. You know our current president is one." Trump chuckled and didn't scold the man for his racist statement, but rather, he continued on to another audience member. Naturally, many people are outraged including Hilary Clinton, Chris Christie, and Keith Ellison. Hilary Clinton comments, "I am appalled", and Keith Ellison remarks that it's a "lack of moral courage." Trump is now being compared to an incident where John McCain, Republican nominee of 2008, told an audience member that Obama was a "good family man." In response to this, Trump's Campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, stated that Trump did not hear the first question and that he would be canceling his trip to South Carolina.

This is yet another reason why you, the readers, the citizens of the United states need to read this article and other's pertaining to the presidential election/political events. This country does not need a man who has continually shown us his racist fueled opposition to muslims.

Friday, September 4, 2015